46th episode : Chila and George, cyclists apprentices

Around the world 2014-2015 Podcast

46th episode : Chila and George, cyclists apprentices
We are in the south of Texas close to the mexican border… We met Chila and George and they teached us a lullaby!

These episodes are made with binaural process! This allows you to enjoy a three-dimensional audio space…
To benefit, you have to listen WITH HEADPHONES (otherwise the mix will seems very strange)!

1 thought on “46th episode : Chila and George, cyclists apprentices

  1. C’est chouette de vous retrouver là-bas! Et terrible le festival de cowboys. Sacrés souvenirs que vous nous faites partager. Profitez bien des bayous, j’ai hâte de savoir la suite. Des bises à tous.


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