7th episode : Daniela and Christian on their way back home

Around the world 2014-2015 Podcast

7th episode: Daniela and Christian on their way back home
We are near Amsterdam and we met Daniela and Christian, an austrian couple on their way back from a whole year on their bikes… They teached us a german song!

These episodes are made with binaural process! This allows you to enjoy a three-dimensional audio space…
To benefit, you have to listen WITH HEADPHONES (otherwise the mix will seem very strange)!


Daniela and Christian travelblog

Hänschen Klein lyrics

3 thoughts on “7th episode : Daniela and Christian on their way back home

  1. Coucou,

    On a pas reussi a vous laisser de reply au dernier news. Le Laos, ca a l’air plutot chouette! Ca donne envie d’aller faire un tour en Asie…votre petit film a bcq tourne en boucle ici et les enfants ont bcq aime voir Driss se faire couper les cheveux!!!!!!! On espere que tout roule comme vous voulez …et que vous avez bien recu votre nouveau medoc pour le palu.

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