Riding Huế & Hà Nội

Around the world 2014-2015 Gallery

Driss: In Hue we ate a birthday cake for Daddy and we were in a temple where we could not make noise. There was a monk who sang “bingbengbooong”.
We took the train last night, and we were in a cabin where we slept.
Today we are in a town called Hanoi. There is a lot of noise and in the next room there are ladies who speak very loudly and wake me up during the nap.

Berengere: We had a bike ride in the area surrounding Hue, and we met lots of nice people: children sang us a song near the bullring tigers, then we discussed with two French tourists near the tomb of Emperor Tu Duc, and we were invited to go in a school near a temple.
The train was cool but it was not the best night of our lives. We arrived exhausted, and there as it was nap time (they have the chance to sleep them …) we had to wait for the station agents to wake up to get our bikes.
As a child is a loving, many people come to Driss to offer him candy or… touch his penis, as is done from time to time with small children in Vietnam, which is disturbing for us Western! I think the guy who did this is not going to start again, I yelled at him like never before, because here they do not irritate, so I went for an alien.
Hanoi is polluted and noisy but we made it good.

Matthias: It’s always encounters that make the best moments of the trip … what’s more we met people who agree to sing in front of a microphone, which is VERY rare thing in these Asian countries where shyness in front of the windshield is often the strongest!
Otherwise Hue is nice, though somewhat aggressive tourism level and we finally made our big trip by train: Hue – Hanoi: 15 hours!
If you like the noise Hanoi is happiness, and it’s as good for lungs as a pack of cigarettes per day: my lungs regain their happiness, since I stopped smoking since Vientiane Laos (I was going to say: my lungs breathe again, but the term may not be the most appropriate).
Oh and sorry, but we re-hang sweaters: here we find pleasant temperatures !
We will do some walks with frames, then we will classify bikes for sightseeing ten days in northern Vietnam with my parents that we have not seen for 7 months.
See U, kiss-kiss

petite balade autour d’Huế 27 km


Huế – Hà Nội 700 km (dont 688 en train)


7 thoughts on “Riding Huế & Hà Nội

  1. Il me semble que votre tigre remplit de plus en plus l’espace de sa charriote, ou bien est-ce une illusion d’optique?? il va être grand temps que vous le changiez de bocal avant qu’il fasse sa révolution!
    Profitez bien, et faites nous encore profiter, de vos derniers jours de séjour d’échanges et de tourisme asiatique. Grosses bises admiratives.

    1. Hi hi oui le tigre grossit à vue d’oeil en ce moment! il a encore de la marge dans son “tracteur de pompier” (je cite)
      Mais dans quelques jours aux USA, on troquera tout ça (avec un pincement au coeur) pour un énorme camping car (les vélos dans le coffre tout de même)… il aura toute la place qu’il veut!

  2. Trop cool vos bracelets
    sur les photos les couchettes elles sont super chouettes. Bon c’est sur on a pas le bruit.
    des photos qui nous donne toujours envie de voyager.
    profitez bien

  3. On arrive, on arrive !!! On a hâte de découvrir tout cela ! On ne craint pas l’asphyxie … et surtout, on est certains du dépaysement intégral ! Et le must, nous pourrons faire une énorme bise au petit tigre (pas si petit que cela apparemment !) et à vous deux évidemment. Skype c’est bien mais là on pourra prendre la température des lieux -dans tous les sens du terme.
    Donc, pour aujourd’hui ce sont encore des bises virtuelles.
    Mais on arrive, on arrive ! (on est super contents !)

  4. Pollution et bruit ,c est plus épuisant que le vélo pour les grand sportif que vous êtes levez vous a 5 h du mat pour aller au lac faire du sport c est épatant . Bizzzz au tigre

  5. Merci encore pour tous ses reportages photographiques qui me permet de m’évader avec vous
    Bon anniversaire Matthias

    Bonjour à tes parents.

    Je vous confie dans une semaine Didier

    bisous a tous.


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